
The Different Levels of Consciousness Explained: 3D, 4D, and 5D

TRanscended the human egoness, not seeing negative things and negative

REcognizing the Donna consiousness that created the Donna sitting in the chair.

Everything you experience you know comes from you so you are not scared.

Separation act versus a mechanical acting of integration.

Don’t feel you have to protect oneself from it rather I am creating it. It’s me, so why would I push it away.

Overlay of consciousness




Ask for gidance from ghier self for solutions, creativity, inspiration.

Solve financial

Attitude of gratitude

Shift your energy

Communicate more with higher self, ask for solutions

Be in state to receive and implement the solutions


States of Consciousness, our vibrational frequency, determined by our thoughts, feelings, words actions

Expanded cons = moving from 3D to 5D, more spiritual, more connected,

Global shift, governors, police force, publis figures, violating people constitutional rights, stepping over people’s rights, not upholding the consitution; find solutions to protest to their offices,  committing treason if not upholding the constitution, they are publis servants, voted as; can file complaints, take action otherwise giving them consent.

Characteristics that brings us into 4D state of Consc, higher, not easy

Aware of current events helps in having an understansing of what is going on but not enough to shift into higher state of consc. Emboding these characteristics,

3D: judgement, there is right and wrong

egocentricm reactivem self serving, actions base don fear, poverty consiousness, hard time manifesting own abundance, scarcity, lack mindset, judging others, comparing (acts of ego), identify with status and material aquisition, security, stable income, controlling, live in future or past, tend to

rarely focus living in the now

Abundance = having access to money, material possessions, things


4D: spiritual awakening, open to learn different prespective, moving away from judging right or wrong,

Physical body reflection of cons,

Wuesitoning everything we’ve been taight, esp relogiona nd how we’ve been programmed by society


5D: Egoless, servant, in service, higher self in control, soul now in charge, ego in back seat and no longer runing the show, in back seat, there to protect the soul but not in charge

Actions based on love, forgiving, service to others, unconditional love

Self awareness, recognize what triggers you and to choose a different response.

Living in ongoing gratitude

Self realization, we are God having a Human experience, what we came here to go, what our mission is

Don’t identify with just being a physical body rather as a spiritual being having a temporary physical experience

Detachment, from everything, many are very attached to their families, loved ones, famliies are temporary, important and here to learn from, but not permanent

We are all family, 5D, we are a art of a greater whole

Fearless, and where we fear, have to face head on = sense of accomplishment

We are limitless, creations, imagintation to create our reality, visualization,

Following and living in excitement, is the path to least resistance to accomplishing out goals.

Sometimes needs to go out of comfort zone, risks, have to trust, in flow of things, positively,


Illusion of time speeding up, can attract negative synchronicities quickyl, be careful!

Gratitude and love versus fear

Have to be a robot cop of your own cons, otherwise, the ego will run the show and will be attractiing chaso, neg synchronicites,

No need to possetions, status

We are sovereign, have authority, take back power, Assertive, look people in the eye, powerful energy, well researched, strong rappor

Not allowing public officials to violate our constitutional rights, not afraid t stand up to your rights

Abundance = the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it; needs are filled, solutions are provided fro you, then; living in the flow, always have energy and needs replentished, don’t have to hard, store, aquire,

Gratitude, provided for, gas, electricity, water, air,

gifiting and receiving, gifting with no expectations of receiving

people not good at receiving, because feel have to give to receive, feel like have to earn it

Feeling that abundance will attract more abundance – LOA

  1. money – services in exchange of money, sense of accomplishment
  2. trade – no money, trading services or products, sense of sharing your creation with another human being
  3. gifiting and receiving, gifting with no expectations of receiving = Love
    And have to be open to receiving just as much
    people not good at receiving, because feel have to give to receive, feel like have to earn it, peopel shut down, it’s ok, it’s ok
  4. Synchronicites – good luck in our language
  5. Abundance of imagination, creativity, inspiration
    Pray for solutions not money, solutiosn for generating consistent income, money is limited
    Personally develop this and ask higher guidance for support, guidance
    Quiet down ego to receive the communicaitonf from higher guidance


High state of cons = grateful, positive, happy, loving, will receivie a lot of positive synchronicites, things you need and want, show up in life.




Our world has been in a state of 3D consciousness for a long time now. But things are changing. People are wakening up. the world is shifting. We are becomeing closer to our true nature, as divine beings that create our own reality… to the 5D consciousness.

I wanted to describe the characteristics of

victimhood menality

I didn’t choose this life

I didn’t choose my skin color

I didn’t choose my parents

I didn’t choose this life

I “hate” those that do bad things… Trump!

A victim of their circumstances, they are not in control of their circumstances, they have been “dealt a bad deck of cards”

they are not in control, God is on control or it is just the way is it

they have no power, are not powerful beings

they just another tax payer, in the system, making a paycheck, making a living, living their small lives, doing the rat race, they are powerless to make any significant difference in their planet, never mind their galaxy. Even in their lives.

I can’t change my situation. I’m like this because it’s my DNA, I was born with it, that way. May parents passed these traits I have. I have no power to change.

Here to serve yourself

Programming – government, TV, to have no power.


4D, starting to awaken, that they are more powerful than they realized.

Ego still resides

New spiritual knowledge that they are creators of their reality.

Taking their journey more seriously, taking their spiritual practice more seriously and as a priority.

How do they create their own reality. What are their tools to create. More empowered.

but there still is that fight between their ego and their higher selves. they shift back and forth. An inner struggle. 4D still allows the ego to reside.

Start to become self empowered

Here to serve others and yourself – in between.


Ego does not exist anymore, has already transmuted to a different energy.

Full empowered, unlimited power to create any reality you want to experience

They do not believe they are a victim of their reality

Do not believe they are a victim of their circumstances

They fully take responsibility for everything that is being create din their lives

they know they chose their parents

Know that they chose their body that they came into Earth with.

They know they came to Earth with a purpose or a mission and at least an attempt of a mission.

Know what your purpose it and they live that purpose.

they are here to service others

Unconditional love

Take full responsibility of any chaos in your life, if there is any, and take on challenges as opportunities of growth. No victimhood mentality, ”  I cannot change this situation”

Unlimited power and can shift their reality based on their beliefs they choose, the thoughts they put out, the emotions they

I send love to everyone including people like Trump, Hitler. Vandalizing Trump signs.




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