Heal From People-Pleasing

Being Too Nice

Being Too Nice

Being Too Nice: Do you ever wish you could just be a BITCH?

Do you ever get sick of always being that nice girl? And wish you just actually be a bitch for once?

Not that you really want to be a bitch. But you just want to feel capable of being a bitch?

You’re tired of people crossing your boundaries. And you just can’t understand WHY it’s so hard to stop being so nice all the time? Accommodating everyone else’s needs before your own?

Saying Yes to everyone else all the time, when you really just want to say NO Will eventually catch up with you. Causing you to feel exhausted and depleted from always giving away your time and energy to everyone else. And will eventually lead to feeling like you are unimportant and don’t matter. That you’re unworthy.

Feelings of unworthiness will stop you dead in your tracks, stop you from reaching your goals. Stop you from taking that next step in your career, or asking for a raise

Stop you from leaving a toxic relationship, or even from sticking to your diet, Or fitness goals.

Wishing you could actually be a bitch for a moment Is really just about being able to speak with confidence, with assertiveness and with strong boundaries that people respect and pay attention to instead of ignore.

If this is speaking assertively is something you’re looking to learn, drop me a comment below, and I’ll share with you the system I used, to shed the fears that paralyzed me at the thought of speaking up. Or standing up for myself. Or asking for my needs to be met.

I don’t want you to suffer any longer. 

Here are three wonderful benefits of being able to speak confidently and assertively:

Enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence: Speaking confidently and assertively allows individuals to express themselves authentically and assert their needs and opinions without fear of judgment or rejection. This can lead to increased self-esteem and self-confidence as they recognize their own worth and value.

Improved communication and relationships: Assertive communication promotes clarity, honesty, and mutual respect in interactions with others. By clearly expressing their thoughts, feelings, and boundaries, individuals can establish healthier and more fulfilling relationships based on open communication and understanding. This can reduce misunderstandings, conflicts, and resentment, fostering deeper connections with others.

Increased personal empowerment and effectiveness: Assertive individuals are better able to advocate for themselves, pursue their goals, and navigate challenging situations with confidence and resilience. They are more likely to assert their rights, make informed decisions, and assert boundaries, leading to greater control over their lives and increased effectiveness in achieving their objectives.

I’m Donna, a Wellness Coach… I broke free from living a life of accommodating everyone else’s needs… to living a life on my own terms, every single day. It then became my mission to help as many women as possible who are suffering from chronic people-pleasing and inability to set firm healthy boundaries.

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