What is 5D

What is 5D? Or to be AWAKE?

What is 5D? Or to be AWAKE?

Someone asked me recently what I mean by 5D. What does it mean to be living 5D? Or to be AWAKE?

5D is just a term, there are many ways to describe it.

I think the simplest way to describe 5D is to be living in a high frequency emotional state of love, gratitude, authenticity, and joy.

And staying out of worry, fear, anger, guilt, jealousy, blame, grief, shame, judgement.

And to be connected to source energy within us and with everyone and everything around us. We are all one. We are all connected and yet we are each perfectly unique.

What does it mean to you?

And what does it mean to you to be awake?

To me it’s someone who is living in the high frequency emotions describe above… of love, gratitude, authenticity, and joy. And not living or experiencing worry, fear, anger, guilt, jealousy, blame, grief, shame, judgement.

Also who questions everything and uses discernment. Doesn’t just follow the pack, i.e. what’s been told or taught to them and assume that is all true because they learned it in school, and from their parents and friends, professors, their bosses and the industries they work in, etc.
Also who realizes we are spiritual beings and our spirit/soul, is eternal. That our physical bodies are just one part of us and temporary. (Note, I am not religious in the slightest.)
Also who recognizes and utilizes the divinity and unlimited potential that is already within us.
Also who clearly sees that there is some kind of massive control and suppression going on in humanity. Whether it’s in the name of greed, power, or due to some alien race inhabiting humans (Haha), who the Hell knows. I have my ideas but not suggesting I know anything.
Also who clearly sees that we live in an ever-increasing toxic world. And it is WELL known this toxicity is making us very sick but “they” don’t give a rats ass. Now whether “they” are trying to kill us, or again if it’s in the name of power and greed/profits, who knows.
But it’s happening no doubt. The deeper I research/learn about these topics for the health coaching I do, the more I see how sick we are becoming from the toxins all around us, especially in the US.

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