#26 The Healing Properties of Crystals
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In this episode of Simply Living Wellness, Donna Abreu interviews guests Megan and Stefanie Anderson about the incredible healing properties of crystals. Learn about these amazing Earth created gems and their ability to transform everything from physical pain to emotional wellbeing, enhanced energy and increased spiritual connection to Source.
Stefani and Megan believe that change is inspired one crystal at a time. And by enhancing our awareness and being present in the moment, we can better understand the energy of earth, and how to connect to its power, as well as connecting to one’s own power.
Megan and Steafanie have a business together called Life With Crystals, and are connected as a family with their daughter, Zoie.
Discover More About Megan…
My journey started in the 90’s. I became certified in massage therapy. I enjoyed that. I felt the connection and the energy with that. And I knew that I had a gift, and I knew that I had healing hands. I always lit up when I talked about it or felt it, or when I would see someone in pain, I knew I could help them.
So I wondered what else I could do with my life to keep that going. Six years ago, I met some friends of Stefani’s: Kim and Charles O’leary in New York. They own a crystal shop, Crystals on the Rocks. I flew out there and they explained and showed me more about how crystals can heal; and the vibrations of the crystals. Walking into their shop was just the most amazing feeling ever. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to come home, but I wanted to take the shop with me.
I know there are shops everywhere, but it’s what people put into that, and the love and energy. Knowing that that was the way I wanted to go, I talked with Stefani about starting a business. We tried to figure out how we could incorporate that entire family. Since Zoie is our 7 year old daughter, she is a Star Child. We wanted that to be a focus too.
So Zoie’s name means “life” in Greek. Life with Crystals, Zoie is our life, so Zoie is part of the name of our business.
We do a lot with our crystals at the house. We’re starting our on-line business at LifeWithCrystals.com. And we’re exploring and give back to the communities.
Discover More About Stefanie…
I grew up in Fairfield, and migrated to Sacramento early in my career after I got out of college. My journey is quite a bit different than Megan’s. I went into the corporate world of security. I have been there for over 20 years. Megan’s enthusiasm about crystals, about the metaphysical world was something that interested me. Actually I was interested in rocks when I was a child, and I always had a fascination with how rocks, crystals and stones were created by the earth. My job was that I was interested in this path with Megan, so I wondered what this was all about. What is the spiritual world all about for me?
Through a lot of research, digging on the internet and my friends in New York, I got very much interested in the healing powers of crystals. So we began this journey together, in agreement that this is something that we both want. Coming from different places and different backgrounds, and I think it blends very well for our business.
Full Transcription of The Healing Properties of Crystals
Megan: I’ve always been spiritual in my background. I was raised Catholic, but going through different stages, I felt that connection, but I just didn’t understand it. So after high school, I did some college, but then I ended up just going through certification as a massage therapist and going down that path. I felt connected and felt that that was my path – to give back to people and to help heal them. My hands get hot. I love the feeling I get when I start talking about it. I get excited. When I do work with people, it brings joy to me. I feel the energy coming through my hands.
I used to work for the Post Office, and that’s when I knew I needed to get out of there. That was not a good fit for me. But one of my customers was an 87 year old lady that I would visit every day. She had cancer. I would bring my massage table over to her and massage her. I would feel where the cancer was, and I gave her comfort. That’s what I enjoy. To be able to do that and give that to people, that’s what I want. I don’t want the other stuff. I want to be able to give back. That gives me a purpose.
Life With Crystals is a crystal gem and jewelry shop. Right now, we’re on line. We’re working toward a store front so people can actually come in and feel and see what I’m talking about. When you go to the website, you can SEE it there, and sometimes get connected through the interest. People can feel that vibration. We are looking at offering classes down the road to be able to teach people about the crystals and how to heal. And to have different types of energy work at our shop with we do open up.
With COVID-19, we’re tabling the shop for the moment. In the meantime, we’re fine-tuning the web site. For the location, we know we’re going to be guided to where we need to be. Our goal is to have it in Sacramento.
Donna: I’ve been told when you buy a crystal, when you narrow it down to what type of crystal you want but there are several to choose from, pick each one up and feel it, and feel which one calls out to you. I’m not so good at that. I wish I could feel more about the crystals.
Megan: I feel a different vibration when I hold them. But it’s YOUR energy that YOU’RE giving off when you look at crystals. On a website, if you’re directed to look at a particular one if you have an idea…..say rose quartz, but you come across a lapis lazuli, and you wonder why you are so attracted to the lapis. There’s a reason why. The energy that that stone is giving off is something that your energy is wanting. So you really need to pay attention to what your energy is saying,. Even though your mind is saying something else, you r energy is guiding you. So you need to go within and feel that.
Stefani: We’ve had some people over to our home where we have crystals on display. And they come with certain intentions: maybe they’re feeling a lot of anxiety or stress, and we talk to them about what kinds of crystals can address their situations. And yet thy might veer toward something different that has different healing powers according to the crystal world. But it may be what THEIR energy really needs to address other underlying situations or emotions in their life. So we help them move through the crystal world, trying to address what’s underneath as well when you’re being drawn to a particular crystal
Donna: So it’s not just about picking up a crystal and saying: do I feel anything here in my hands. It also could just be that you notice one that maybe you think is beautiful, or you just have an admiration for it.
Megan: At the end of last year, I did have part of our crystals up in Loomis at the Caring Arts Awareness Center and selling them there. One lady came in who was told to get some Black Tourmaline. So she was looking at those stones, but she kept looking at the Pyrite Sphere sitting to her right. She kept turning “why am I being drawn to this one?” She ended up getting both, but come to find out, there’s a reason why she needed the Pyrite that was calling to her. She was there for a reading, so the reader did tell me that was Pyrite was very important and she needed that too at the time because of what was going on with her life at the moment.
Without us knowing what we have, we may not be aware but our intuition is telling us without us even knowing what we need.
D: So part is having something you’re trying to address, and then look for a crystal may help with that. And another part is just going into a shop, which is why it’s so important to have a physical shop where people can walk in.
S: You can still browse on the website. We do have a lot of the stones there. We’re still collecting more. But we have the descriptions there that tell you what each crystal is for, and what the unique purpose is. If you’re going in for a certain purpose, look that up and it’s going to guide you to what crystals might benefit you.
D: Once you find a crystal, what do you do with it?
S: There are different things: there are palm stones you can hold in your palm and work with that, meditate with them. What I do is I have a couple of bracelets that I wear throughout the weeks – I switch them up. Or I take a tumble stone and put it in my pocket. You have two pockets on your right hand side….there’s a tiny pocket there. That’s really a crystal pocket. And I put my stone in there.
So you’re always carrying the carrying the crystal with you for protection or for whatever is its purpose.
At our house, we have Selenite in the four corners of our house. That keeps the house balanced and protected, and gives an extra protection that we need. Placing the crystals throughout your home helps balance the energies that you may or may not need.
D: We have a difficult entry onto a road in our neighborhood to that has a blind corner. I was told to put a crystal there on the corner. First clear it and then put the intent that this is to keep everyone safe who is pulling out on this blind corner. This friend has them all over her property. She told me story: there were some teenage kids that were causing a lot of ruckus in their neighborhood. She’s on 10 acres. The kids were doing some vandalizing and driving a truck around, etc. These kids hit every property, but just skipped hers completely! Everyone else had damage done, but since she had crystals around, and I think they protected her property.
M: We have the Selenite in our house and I feel more protected. I actually do drive in my car with Selenite and Black Tourmaline for an extra protection also. I do feel a difference. I feel that it helps with the negative energy that’s coming and keeps it out. And it keeps us safe. I have extra cargo in my car when I drive Zoie. I feel like I need extra protection, which I feel I get from the crystals.
There’s black tourmaline that helps with the negative energy. We have the Shungite bracelets and tabs for phone and computer to block the EMF waves.
There was a lady a few weeks ago who wasn’t feeling so well. She talked about how she just didn’t feel good. She was going to the doctor’s a lot, even with the COVID. But her sickness wasn’t the COVID. It was blood pressure, and just not feeling right. She looked up Shungite and realized she needed that. She bought a couple pieces and I brought it out to her. She called the next day saying she felt pretty good. She said: I don’t know what it is, but when I put on the bracelet and had the Shungite elephant she purchased, in the house, she just felt ‘goodness.’” She felt a change already, so she bought some more.
I told her that our intention when we choose these crystals, we hand pick each one of them. So that’s why they all are so important to us. We bless them when we leave. It’s like when our child goes off to school, we are saddened for them to leave, but we’re also excited that other people are going to enjoy what we have and what we picked out. So our intention for each one of our crystals is to give goodness, and we let everyone know that they need to set their own intentions. But we already have an intention set on them as we let them leave the store and go to someone else.
S: To your point with the Shungite, it’s probably not a great one for your neck per se, it’s better a bracelet. Because we all have chakras. There are 7 chakras and the heart chakra is super important. What I would say that if you wore something around your neck, maybe choose something that has love, compassion and brings you peace, joy, happiness, because that’s right at your heart chakra.
So you would want to also look at where you place a crystal, what chakra can that help with.
D: So rose quartz, isn’t that bringing love in? I use a rose quart Yoni egg. My friend also teaches yoni egg practices. I started with the jade egg as suggested. I never had much luck with the jade egg. It just didn’t feel comfortable. So I stopped using it. I took one of her workshops last summer and she was teaching about the jade egg and the rose quartz egg. And there’s a black one that really powerful. She started talking about being drawn to something. She started describing the rose quartz egg. She said people usually start with the jade egg and then move on to the rose quartz. But she started describing the properties of it. I just kept feeling like the rose quartz was the egg for me. I ended up getting one that day.
M: You went with your intuition. Your energy was telling you what you needed. So that’s what you listened to. That’s great.
D: I didn’t get the cramping feeling. It just was beautiful. I love it now.
M: With the rose quartz, we throw them in our bathtub with other different stones in the tub when we take a bath – to give us the extra protection or the love or the confidence that we need. You still have that while you’re soaking and relaxing – that extra energy from the crystals. We do have the tumble stones for that. I’ve had several people buy them for that. We’re working on a package going for that – a separate bath package.
Tumble stones are like pebbles, but they’re tumbled, so they’re softer. They’re like the size of a coin. Those you can carry in your pocket or place them anywhere in your house, or use them in your bathtub. You get the same energy. It’s just amazing.
D: The one you have in the 4 corners of your house – does it have to be big? Can it be little?
M: It can be any size. And just set your intention.
I have a friend who purchased some of the Selenite tiny towers, and place them in her big house at the 4 corners. She bought the little ones – like 3 inches. She said she noticed a difference. She felt a different energy. She had had different energies in her house, so that calmed down the energies she had. She also placed an extra 4 in the corners of her bedroom to give a little more protection. She loves it.
When I hear stories like that, it makes me feel good.
D: I’ve been carrying one, especially when I’m talking to a difficult person, for example, who triggers maybe. I’m empathic so I take on people’s energies. I’m trying to find ways to not do that because it’s exhausting. One way someone taught me is to hold even just a rock …. I think right hand for men, left hand for women. And the energy will all flow into that rock. And then later, just toss the rock off.
When the crystal has absorbed the negative energy, you do want to cleanse them and clear them out. If you’re in a highly intensive environment, you want to cleanse the crystal every day. You either put it on the Selenite. The Selenite has a dual purpose: it cleanses – it will cleanse your crystal. Or you sage it – you sage and smudge your crystals. It helps cleanse and clear out the negative energies that got absorbed by the crystal. Or on a full moon, you would put your crystals out to let them absorb the natural energy from the moon. Some crystals can be energized and cleansed by the sunlight also but you have to be very careful what crystal CAN go in the sunlight, and what crystals should NOT be in the direct sunlight.
For instance, amethyst is one of the biggest ones that you really shouldn’t have in direct sunlight because it will lose its color. It will fade over time. So if you want to keep the pure dark purple then you keep it out of the direct sunlight. It can go in the sun but over time it will fade. It will still have the same power, the same energy, but it changes the look.
D: So it won’t lose the healing property – just a matter of the visual look.
M: Lapis Lazulli. It’s a blue crystal. It’s also one of Zoie’s favorites too because it looks like the earth. It’s got the blue and has some pyrite in it. It’s about “speaking your truth,” and “having self-confidence…..which is the throat chakra. I wear it quite a bit. I have it on right now – my bracelet and my pendant. I feel more confident when I do wear it. I feel that I can speak clearer and speak what I need to speak.
I also love the amethyst. I love the look, the color, the emotions it gives – calmness – and it is a protective stone.
D: That’s supposed to attract abundance, right?
M: Yes. The citrine is one of our favorites for abundance. We have a citrine in the furthest left-hand corner from the front door. That will bring in the abundance through your front door and will allow the abundance just flow. Whatever that means to anyone, you set your own intentions to allow abundance to flow.
S: One of the ones you’ll see that more prevalent out in the world is the Himalayan Salt lamps. We have those as well throughout our home. Our daughter has a lot of allergies and what we’ve found it really has helped her with that. The lamp helps to dissipate both the moisture in the air and the allergens in your home.
D: I have a couple of those two. They’re small ones.
M: It doesn’t matter. We have different sizes of the salt lamps. We also have just small pieces of it. So it doesn’t matter.
D: About the citrine – and about the far left corner. I’ve heard that. In fact I have an amethyst there. Maybe I’ll try citrine. But that’s a Feng Shui concept.
M: We have the abundance of love. It’s whatever our intention is what abundance means to us.
D: I was on a hike years ago and saw what looked like a beautiful rock. It was colorful, pink. My friend said that it was rose quartz. At the time I didn’t really know anything about crystals or the healing properties. I should have just kept it, but I didn’t.
So if you find it outside like that, does it have the same properties as when you buy it?
M: We have rough rose quartz – before it’s polished. We do sell items that are rough looking, coming straight from the earth. Yes, if you find it, that’s great. Then it’s something you FOUND. Don’t ever drop it and just walk away. It’s a great story to have too to say look what I found a long a trail.
But it’s amazing when you look at some of the pieces we have that are natural, the points that we have comes out of the earth looking like that. It blows our mind that our earth can create this…..that Mother Earth has created these precious gems for us. The majority of them are not tampered with. It’s how they come out looking like that and it blows our mind.
D: It sounds like you do more than just have a shop where you sell crystals, but you help guide people as well.
M: People call and ask questions and we try to answer as best we can, and point them in the right direction.
S: The other thing we are working on our website, when you look at different products, you’ll be able to see more in depth. We’ve named some of them because there’s a feeling that we, as the owners of these currently, get. So we pick names for them because they ARE personal. It’s to personalize it for you, it may call you. And we state what the benefits are for the different crystals. We’ve listed the benefits – not a complete list, obviously, because it’s difficult to capture all the different properties of all the crystals. But we also have facts about how they were mined, where we got them, where did they come from, and special things about that particular stone……You’ll learn more about the crystal as well.
M: Some of them are so old and it’s amazing how old, some 50 to 70 million years ago. It’s amazing how reading up on how the crystals were made and formed. And to get that feeling from that story line, makes you want to look at or have one in your hands.
D: One can still find these crystals? I would think eventually they might all go away, or are they continuing to be created by Earth.
M: They’re still continuing to being created by the earth. The earth is always creating things for us. Earthquakes create the friction which causes the gases and formations. It’s the volcano ask that’s causing the mud balls for certain things to form. It’s a constant thing. So throughout the millions and millions of years, things are still being created. I think when earthquakes do happens, the earth shifts them up and they come up close r so we can find them, and see what they look like. They are just precious stones from this earth.
D: I heard there’s one that’s not made here. I bought one because I thought it was so fascinating. But they found them here in a crater. It’s green. But it’s supposed to help open up.
S: One of the more prevalent one is the adventurine, which is also very good with prosperity, abundance, wealth, bringing those things into your life.
D: Other stories? Healing stories?
S: Interestingly enough, I have a story about copper. We also have B. I had put one on one day and throughout the day, I thought I felt pretty good. I had recently been diagnosed with early onset arthritis in my hands. I had been experiencing some pretty severe pain in my hands. I noticed that my right hand, the worst hand, was feeling so much better. The thing about copper is it’s a very good conductor for blood flow, to keep blood flowing. Because it is a conductor, it helps alleviate some of that pain. So that was an awesome story that I love to tell anyone who has arthritis – a copper bracelet works fantastically.
We sell those too on our site.
M: We also have copper balls too. I’ve had some customers put them in their pocket or sleep with them, especially those with hip issues. So having it around pain has been very beneficial.
D: I have arthritis in my thumbs especially. It comes and goes. My mother had it, my sister has it. I do feel depending on my diet, it can be better or worse. It’s probably inflammation. I’m very much into what we put into our bodies and how that affects us. I’m going to try the copper. Do you wear one on each hand?
S: I do. I don’t wear them every day. It’s dependent on what I’m doing in my day. But if I feel like my pain is getting more severe if I’ve been working on my computer a lot, I will wear it. And it really does help alleviate the pain and bring it down for me. It doesn’t make it go away, but it does make it very tolerable. I just feel better when I wear them.
M: We’ve been told by many people, we do have some reviews on our page, they are impressed by our affordability. We didn’t want to over-charge for things because we want people to afford the healings. That’s how we’re giving back. We feel like healing should be something people should be able to afford. We’re blessed on being able to keep our prices where they are so we can bring in new clients and new customers. We are very proud about that.
Website: www.lifewithcrystals.com and when you go on there, you can sign up for our newsletter that will let you know when we are going to be at some venues that had been cancelled due to COVID , but we’re scheduled for the Healing Arts Festival in September – at least it’s scheduled. And it’s at the Scottish Right Center in Sacramento. We will have a booth there. Our original goal was to get out and start doing a lot of events, but with COVID, that changed our direction to focusing on our website and online business. This may delay a little bit our trying to open a shop, but we definitely have that goal, we want to go down that path because we believe in the availability in getting people to come in and have face-to-face interaction with us as well.
When you log onto the website, there are two links: we have a Facebook Page, and Instagram. And if you like either one, you can follow us on both and get the latest and greatest news.
Zoie, a Star Child, is gifted. She sees things – spirits. She’s just in tune. She’s very pure. We’re trying to understand that more and help guide her to understand crystals.
In knowing and recognizing Zoie’s abilities, we did have a person come in and do readings for us. That was one of the things she pointed out about Zoie – Zoie is has the ability to see spirits. Frequently she’ll tell us she sees spirits in the home doing one thing or another. It’s very cute. But the other thing we do with her in order to help teach her about the crystals and bring it in to our family is we frequently have family meetings. They can be positive – talk about our days; or it could be we’re trying to educate her on thoughts and behavior. We’ll say: You need to go pick a crystal out and bring it to the meeting. Then we sit down as a family. That crystal is passed around to each one of us as a point of being able to be the person who speaks while everyone else listens.
She’s very good, it feels like, at picking the right crystal. So it’s a wonderful thing for her. Just listening to her talk about what she can see and what she can feel from different crystals as well, and just to watch her gravitate to those crystals is an amazing thing. It really makes our hearts smile. We really love watching her grow with the crystals.
The one thing that she teaches us that we already know, but what she teaches us is that she is reminding us that it’s about love. And that we need to love everyone, love everything. That’s a constant thing that comes out of her mouth. And it’s a constant drawing that she does – love, love, love. She can’t say it enough. We’re very blessed to have her, and that she is a part of our family.
D: She’s so lucky to have you as parents to really guide her, because a lot of children who are that intuitive, it’s not the norm, so they think they’re different. A lot of times the parents don’t even know what’s going on either. So maybe they get misdiagnosed.
M: She sees my brother in our house quite a bit, so she lets me know what. That’s nice to see. That makes me feel good that she has that connection with my brother, because I feel like that is a “miss” for me. But it’s not because she has the better side of him. She gets to be a part of his new world. I’m very happy and I look forward to more learning and the ability to work with her more with that.
To learn more about the healing properties of crystals, please visit LifeWithCrystals.com
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