Weak Boundaries Will Lead to Exhaustion

Weak Boundaries Will Lead to Exhaustion

Weak Boundaries Will Lead to Exhaustion

How do you know if you Have Unhealthy Boundaries?

You could be a doormat and not even realize it. Give me the next 3 minutes and you’ll discover the top 3 indicators that you are giving your power away,

Which is likely resulting in overwhelm, stress and exhaustion. 

This is the First Step Towards Healing

I can’t go over all of the indicators in this video, but if you want the complete list that I use with my coaching clients, drop me a comment below saying “ALL 9” and I’ll send it to you.

I’m Donna, a Wellness Coach… I broke free from living a life of accommodating everyone else’s needs… to living a life on my own terms, every single day. 

It then became my mission to help as many women as possible who are suffering from chronic people-pleasing and inability to set firm healthy boundaries.

Here are three top indicators. If you struggle with any of these situations, then you likely are a People-Pleaser. 

Chronic people-pleasing will not only deplete your energy, time and health, it will deplete your soul, your spirit and overall passion for life.

First indicator:  Do you find yourself saying Yes all the time, when you really mean No?

This could be with coworkers, your boss, or your friends, family, relatives, neighbors, teachers at your kids’s school. 

Or even your significant other, or your kids or parents.

Then, maybe you get resentful that you have to do this activity or task, or for attending some event that you really don’t want to go to.

And you might even take it one step further… You might find yourself actually getting angry at them, blaming them for even asking you?!!“Why does she have to keep asking me?!!”

“Doesn’t she get that I am busy? “

“She knows I’ve got a lot on my plate right now.”

Second Indicator:  Is it difficult for you to say NO to others? 

Does it give you stomach jitters, sweaty palms, anxiety and stress? Just thinking about saying NO?

Do you feel paralyzed? Literally like a deer caught in headlights when you’re given a request? Uhhh…. 

You want to say No, but you’re afraid to? Are you afraid, maybe, of disappointing the other person, letting them down? 

Maybe seeing their disappointment hurts you inside?  And make you uncomfortable? What is that all about?

Maybe you’re you worried about them angry with you for saying No, saying Yes to yourself? I’ve had people literally hang up on me when they didn’t get the response they wanted! People very close to me, even!

Third indicator:  When you do finally have the courage to say No, do you then feel guilty about it? 

Do you spend the rest of your day, or week even, worrying about it?

Obsessing about it? Running the scenario over and over again in your head?

Doubting yourself, wondering if you should have maybe said yes?  Or that you should have gone into explanation of why you’re saying No?

This was just three indicators. There are several more strong indicators showing that your boundaries are weak. 

So if you want the complete list that I use with my coaching clients, just drop me the comment, “All 9” below and I’ll send it to you.

I’m Donna, a Wellness Coach… 

I broke free from living a life of accommodating everyone else’s needs…

to living a life on my own terms, every single day. It then became my mission to help as many women as possible to find self love, live life on their own terms and still be loving and giving to others.


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