unhappy friendship

Unhappy Friendship? It’s OK to Limit Your Friendships

Unhappy Friendship?  It’s ok to have different friends for different reasons. Here’s how…

It’s completely OK to have different friends for different reasons or activities.

If there is a friend that you only enjoy doing certain activities with, then stick to that activity with that friend, and don’t feel guilty about not wanting to do other things with that person.

And when they ask you to do other things, tell them a response that is true for you. “I’m busy doing XYZ”… or, “working on my business”. “I look forward to seeing you in yoga class on Wednesday!”

If it’s scary for you to speak up, speak your truth, in fear of disappointing others, hop on a call with me and we’ll plan out a roadmap for how to shed the fears that keep you from speaking up in your relationships and at work. Click here to book your free call and get ready to reclaim your time and energy! https://beyourownyeswoman.com/

In Be Your OWN Yes Woman, we dive deep into how to communicate from the heart. We go over strategies for setting boundaries, saying no without guilt, and prioritizing your well-being.  Remember, a healthy you is a more effective you, in all your relationships. 

I’m Donna, a Wellness Coach… 

I broke free from living a life of accommodating everyone else’s needs…

to living a life on my own terms, every single day. It then became my mission to help as many women as possible to find self love, live life on their own terms and still be loving and giving to others.


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