Too Nice: Understanding Nice versus Kind

Too Nice: Understanding Nice versus Kind

Too nice?

Kind vs. Nice: Stop Being So Nice!

Have you ever thought about the difference between being nice and being kind? 

Nice is… “something or someone that is agreeable”.

Now look at the word kind. The word kind is someone who is generous, helpful, who thinks of other people’s feelings. 

You see the distinction there? Nice can be disregarding one’s own needs, whereas kind  can be compassionate and heart centered and without sacrificing one’s own needs.

What I’d like to suggest is to be kind without being so nice.

If you struggle with always being that “nice girl”, hop on a call with me and we’ll plan out a roadmap for how to shed the fears that keep you from saying No to others in your relationships and at work. Click here to book your free call and get ready to reclaim your time and energy!

In Be Your OWN Yes Woman, we dive deep into how to communicate from the heart. We go over strategies for setting boundaries, saying no without guilt, and prioritizing your well-being.  Remember, a healthy you is a more effective you, in all your relationships. 

I’m Donna, a Wellness Coach… 

I broke free from living a life of accommodating everyone else’s needs…

to living a life on my own terms, every single day. It then became my mission to help as many women as possible to find self love, live life on their own terms and still be loving and giving to others.

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