to be overwhelmed

To Be Overwhelmed Leads to Stress

To Be Overwhelmed Leads to Stress

If you find yourself in constant overwhelm you need to ask yourself where you are giving your time and energy away to others?

This constant overwhelm and giving our time away leads to stress. 

It leads to exhaustion, not just emotionally, but physically and mentally. We become depleted. 

We often get angry and resentful and blame the other person when it’s really our own weak boundaries that are to blame.

Here are five common consequences of stress, affecting different aspects of life:

Physical Health Problems: Stress can manifest physically, leading to health issues such as headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, digestive problems, and even cardiovascular conditions like high blood pressure or heart disease. Prolonged stress weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses.

Mental Health Challenges: Chronic stress can significantly impact mental health, contributing to anxiety disorders, depression, mood swings, and irritability. It can also lead to difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and decision-making impairments.

Social Withdrawal and Relationship Strain: Stress can affect interpersonal relationships, leading to conflicts, misunderstandings, and strained connections with family, friends, and colleagues. Individuals experiencing high levels of stress may withdraw from social activities, further exacerbating feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Decreased Productivity and Performance: High levels of stress can impair cognitive function, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, leading to decreased productivity at work or school. It can also hinder performance in tasks that require focus, resulting in errors, missed deadlines, and reduced efficiency.

Behavioral Changes: Stress can trigger unhealthy coping mechanisms such as overeating, substance abuse, or engaging in risky behaviors like excessive drinking or smoking. These behaviors may provide temporary relief from stress but can exacerbate its effects in the long run, leading to additional health complications and negative consequences.

Overall, managing stress effectively is crucial for maintaining both physical and mental well-being, as well as fostering healthy relationships and optimal performance in various aspects of life.

If overwhelm is something you struggle with, I invite you to hop on a call with me and we’ll plan out a roadmap for how to finally get rid of overwhelm. Click here to book your free call and get ready to reclaim your time and energy!

In Be Your OWN Yes Woman, we dive deep into how to communicate from the heart. We go over strategies for setting boundaries, saying no without guilt, and prioritizing your well-being.  Remember, a healthy you is a more effective you, in all your relationships. 

I’m Donna, a Wellness Coach… 

I broke free from living a life of accommodating everyone else’s needs…

to living a life on my own terms, every single day. It then became my mission to help as many women as possible to find self love, live life on their own terms and still be loving and giving to others.

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