#15 The Power of Intuition and Higher Guidance with Guest Jean Slatter
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In this episode of Simply Living Wellness, Donna Abreu interviews guest, Jean Slatter, about why it’s so important to tune into your higher guidance before setting life goals or making big decisions… or even making small decisions! The power of intuition is no small topic.
Anyone can communicate with their higher guidance (otherwise known as your soul, divine self, God self, angels, guides). Our higher guidance knows everything about us.
Our Higher Guidance knows about:
- every life we incarnated into,
- our soul’s life path,
- every experience we’ve had,
- all the knowledge we gained from that experience,
- why we came here, and it knows
- what more we want to experience in this lifetime.
If you’ve ever wondered WHO we are, WHY we came here, WHY we struggle in this human form, then this episode if for you.
In this episode, we talk about bringing your higher guidance into your life and how there are NO rules around connecting to your higher guidance.
Jean became a naturopathic doctor and helped her clients with health issues for many years. She wanted to stick with everything “explainable”, such as nutrition, herbs, and physical ailments and modalities. She didn’t want to dive into emotions and beliefs with her clients, yet she realized she couldn’t stick to just the physical level. She realized that emotional imbalances would hold physical issues in place regardless of treatments. So, Jean embarked on a new path for helping her clients, one that would turn out to be quite different than anything she had ever experienced.
Jean’s career took a pivotal change when she began connecting to her clients’ higher guidance.
Everything changed when Jean began connecting with her client’s higher guidance to receive messages about the cause and the source of their physical symptoms. Extraordinary messages and realizations would come through which greatly assisted Jean in helping her clients resolve their physical ailments. The power of intuition became crystal clear for Jean.
Jean discovered the huge gap in the world of traditional health and life coaching that exists when you don’t tune into the client’s higher guidance. Years later and after direction from her own higher guidance, Jean went on to develop two Higher Guidance Life Coaching certification programs. The Creative Mystic Intuitive Certification program is for anyone wanting to learn how to connect to their own higher guidance. The Higher Guidance Life Coach Certification program continues the training and one learns how to become a Higher Guidance Life Coach and service others.
What is a Higher Guidance Life Coach exactly?
When a Higher Guidance Life Coach does their work, they let the client’s higher guidance be the coach! They don’t determine the client’s goals and actions steps and neither does the client. The client’s higher guidance communicates the next steps the client should take. These next steps and goals are therefore aligned with client’s soul path and life purpose.
The Higher Guidance Life Coach is simply the connector or facilitator conveying the messages using a variety of modalities and techniques. They may also be directed to clear a block or remove a resistance for the client, so that the client is able to take the next steps and reach their goals. If the client or the coach determines your life goals from their “minds” without tapping into intuition (higher guidance), then who knows if those goals are part of your soul’s life path. If not, these goals will likely never be reached, since your soul is simply not interested in those experiences.
The goals we “think of” from our minds are often created from conditioning, from the cookie-cutter picture of the perfect life:
- go to college,
- get married,
- have a happy family,
- have a successful career,
- get the big house, and
- have retirement money in bank.
The truth of who you are, your divine self, is so much more interesting than that.
When we incarnated we had something more definitive in mind that wanted to experience and know the truth of. Life is like Disneyland where every possible ride available to you.
Who are we?
We are curious creators, insatiably curious creators.
Creators of what?
Creators of experience. Experience is the only thing that is “real”. Listen to Jean define what is means to be curious creators of experience, and how she came to that realization. And how her higher guidance told her, “There’s no such thing as light and color. In fact, there’s no such thing as energy. Everything is an illusion including light, color and energy.”
More About Jean Slatter
Jean Slatter is the founder of the Creative Mystic Intuitive and the Higher Guidance Life Coach certification programs. She is an inspirational speaker and the author of the hugely successful book, Hiring the Heavens.
Jean’s programs and materials teach down-to-earth, easy techniques for receiving rock-solid intuition that can be trusted for the quickest, most accurate and relevant insights concerning life’s Treasure Hunt journey.
She began her journey with over 20 years of experience as a natural health practitioner and a Higher Guidance Life Coach. She is a certified traditional Naturopath, a Reiki Master and an active dowser since 1990.
Jean’s materials have been featured in noted publications such as First for Women magazine, Science of Mind, New Age Journal and Conscious Living Magazine. Jean was a featured presenter for the Conscious Media Network and GaiamTV.
You can learn more about Jean Slatter over on her website CreativeMystic.com You can access her five free gifts to get yourself started on your own accessing Higher Guidance journey here.
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