Simply Living Wellness Q&A Thursdays: 7-11-2024: Detox from Heavy Metal
Simply Living Wellness Q&A Thursday: 7-11-2024
Q&A Thursdays – Noon PST / 3 pm EST
THIS WEEK: I gave an update on the year long detox I am doing to detox from heavy metals, environmental toxins, parasites, mold and candida.
My results have been amazing! My frequent colds have gone away (was monthly or more before!), my joint pain is 50% better, I am sleeping better, and hair loss has reduced.
I encourage you to ask questions, especially if you have been suffering form unexplained health issues, such as:
Brain Fog,
Weight Gain,
Hair Loss,
Joint Pain,
Hormonal Imbalances,
Weight Loss Resistance,
& so many more….
Post your questions here. Come to my Facebook page on Thursday at Noon PST and I will answer them.
Join me on my Facebook Page to submit your questions, see these Lives and to catch the replays of previous Lives: https://www.facebook.com/simplylivingwellness
#SimplyLivingWellnessQAThursdays #SimplyLivingWellness
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