How to Stop Getting Sick
How to stop getting sick catching flus and colds all the time…
Do you get frequent colds? Or feel like you’re always fighting some cold or flu? This was me for decades! Literally, every couple of weeks I would catch a cold or feel like I was fighting a cold.
If you have unexplained health issues , like constant colds and flus that no doctor has been able to help you overcome, especially without meds, then Take my Neurotoxicity Assessment quiz http://OnlineToxicityQuiz.com that I used to determine the root cause of my frequent colds and many other health issues.
My frequent colds started around late high school to early college, but got really bad in my late 20’s and onward. I am 56 now. It was really embarrassing. I’d get invited to stuff then I’d feel like I was getting sick and would have to back out all the time. I usually wouldn’t get a full blown cold, but I’d feel like I was getting sick and I would be so tired, sometimes with a scratchy throat.
So that went on for 30 years of my life!
Interestingly enough, it started after I got 13 amalgam fillings all in the same week. When I was about 30, I had them all replaced which can be even worse than having them in the first place. No dentist or doctor ever told me they were bad. In fact they still teach in dental schools here in the United States, that amalgam fillings are safe. Yet, they are banned in most European countries, and they have measured the mercury vapor coming off the fillings. There are many studies about this, many. I am happy to drop references in the comments below.
But mercury doesn’t just come from silver fillings!
We are exposed to mercury in so many ways. I put together a 12-page report of this 200+ Hidden Sources of Neurotoxins in our everyday lives. You can access that here: http://EverdayNeuroToxins.com
The mercury causes cellular inflammation in the body as well as neurological issues and hormonal imbalances. The immune system simply gets overtaxed.
Once I cleared the mercury and other neurotoxins out of my body, these frequent colds stopped. I’ve gotten two colds since December and they didn’t last long at all. I went from 1-2 colds per month to 2 in 7 months. And I’m not totally done with my detox yet. I have at least two more months to go.
Take the quiz: http://OnlineToxicityQuiz.com Discover if you are neurotoxic and I will take you on a journey to cleaning up your body and environment, and to quickly feeling way better
And let me know if you have ANY questions at all
I am Donna, I’m a Wellness Coach. I am my own case study with detoxing, and I was so thrilled about my health improvements, I decided I had to make it my mission
to share my results and what I did to get them with as many others as possible.
#simplylivingwellness #HowToStopGettingSick
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