Being Too Nice for Your Own Good

Being Too Nice for Your Own Good: Stop Being SO Nice! Do you struggle with being so frickin nice all the time? So accommodating to everyone else but yourself? But…

Why do people become people pleasers?

  Why do people become people pleasers?  it wasn’t until I started identifying where these fears in me originated from, the root causes that I could begin to reverse this…

Why Do People People Please?

There are a number of reasons why people please. Many do so out of various fears and insecurities. What are the fears for you? Are you afraid of… * rejection…

People Pleasing Tendencies

People Pleasing Tendencies Where in your life do you have a hard time saying no?  Or saying yes, but without feeling guilty.  Or saying yes, but without resentment or anger…

How to Politely Say ‘No Thank You’

How to politely say “No Thank You” You first have to decide if this is someone you want in your life AT ALL. It’s important to categorize the people in…