#22 Hands on Osteopathy: Discover the Original Practice of Cranial Osteopathic Medicine

In this episode of Simply Living Wellness, Donna Abreu interviews guest Dr. Daniel Allen about the original practice of Osteopathy – hands on Osteopathy.  It’s difficult to find doctors who practice…

#21 Learn What Causes Allergies with Guest Ynge Ljung

In this episode of Simply Living Wellness, Donna Abreu interviews guest, Ynge Ljung, about what causes allergies, sensitivities, and food intolerances. Allergies have become so prevalent today. Almost everyone suffers from some…

#20 The Spiritual and Physical Benefits of a Yoni Egg Practice with Guest Anna-thea

In this episode of the Simply Living Wellness Podcast, Donna Abreu interviews guest, Anna-thea, about how to develop a deeper, more spiritual, more nurturing relationship with our bodies through the practice of…

Mushroom Barley Soup Recipe in the Slow Cooker

Here is a fantastic Mushroom Barley Soup Recipe you can make in the Slow Cooker. Mushroom barley soup is a great source of nutrients.  This soup is also incredibly hearty and…

Butternut Squash Soup Recipe with Fennel

This butternut squash soup recipe makes a delicious, satisfying meal, wiht the unique twist of added fennel.  When served in a pumpkin, it makes a whimsical, delightful presentation.  Try this…