Causes of Joint Pain in Hands

Causes of Joint Pain in Hands


Causes of Joint Pain in Hands and Feet. 

Ever wonder what is actually causing your joint pain or arthritis? Other than just assuming it’s all because of arthritis and “getting old”?

Here’s what I am doing to heal my joint pain In my thumbs and my left big toe. I am detoxing from mold, parasites, heavy metals and other environmental toxins. And so far it’s working!

What I learned was that cellular inflammation was contributing to my joint pain, and that cellular inflammation was due to neurotoxicity in my body. Neurotoxins are everywhere. In our food, water, air, soil, clothing, cosmetics and toiletries! They get into our cells and cause cellular inflammation. 

* This cellular inflammation can cause damage to the cartilage, bones, tendons, and ligaments. 

* It can also trigger the nerves, which then causes pain. 

* It can also cause fluid to build up in the joint, which can lead to pressure, stiffness, and pain.

It’s essential to get rid of these neurotoxins from the cells in our bodies, otherwise chronic health issues are inevitable. Until I realized this, I suffered from joint pain as well as other health issues such as frequent colds, insomnia, thinning hair, high cortisol, weight gain especially around the stomach, and weight loss resistance.

I have been detoxing under a doctor’s guidance, to get rid of these neurotoxins. I am using highly targeted binders and other supporting supplements. My joint pain has significantly decreased, by at least 50%! And I still have a good two months of my detox which I began in January of 2024.

So if you have joint stiffness and pain that no doctor has been able to help you overcome, especially without medications, then I suggest you take my Neurotoxicity Assessment quiz that I used to determine this root cause of my joint pain and many other health issues.

Who am I?

I am Donna, I’m a Wellness Coach. I am my own case study with detoxing. I was so thrilled about my health improvements, I decided I had to make it my mission to share my results and what I did to get them with as many others as possible.

#simplylivingwellness #causesofjointpaininhands

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