What does a cleanse do to the body?

What does a cleanse do to the body?



What does a cleanse do to the body?


I want to warn you against basic cleanses  and using weak herbal binders such as chlorella for detoxing. Cleansing can make your symptoms worse.

Using chlorella, weak herbal binders, cilantro, and other general cleanses can make things worse in your body, making you feel sicker. These weaker binders stir up the neurotoxins and redistribute them. You need binders that detox at the cellular level to get the neurotoxins out effectively and safely.

General body cleansing or detoxification practices can sometimes exacerbate toxin-related problems for several reasons:

Mobilization of Toxins: Many detox programs or cleanses involve dietary changes, fasting, or consuming specific supplements that can cause the body to release stored toxins from fat cells and other tissues into the bloodstream. If the body’s detoxification systems, primarily the liver and kidneys, are not functioning optimally or are overwhelmed by the sudden influx of toxins, these substances can circulate in the body longer and potentially cause more harm.

Nutrient Deficiencies: Strict detox diets or prolonged fasting can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients, weakening the body’s natural detoxification processes. The liver requires various vitamins and minerals (like B vitamins, vitamin C, and magnesium) to effectively process and eliminate toxins. A lack of these nutrients can impair detoxification pathways and result in the accumulation of toxins.

Inappropriate Detox Methods: Some cleansing practices, such as colon cleanses, extreme fasting, or the use of unregulated supplements, can be harmful. These methods can disrupt the balance of beneficial gut bacteria, lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, and cause physical stress to the body. This can compromise overall health and exacerbate the negative effects of toxins.

Individual Health Conditions: People with underlying health conditions, such as liver or kidney disease, may not tolerate aggressive detox methods well. For these individuals, a sudden or intense detox can place undue stress on already compromised organs, leading to worsened symptoms and potential health crises.

It’s important for individuals to approach detoxification with caution and ideally under the guidance of a healthcare professional to ensure that any cleansing practices support the body’s natural detoxification processes without causing additional harm.

So if you have unexplained health issues and have been led to do cleanses, and no doctor has been able to help you, besides prescribing you medications, then I recommend you take my Neurotoxicity Assessment quiz and discover if you are suffering from neurotoxicity: http://OnlineToxicityQuiz.com 

I am Donna, I’m a Wellness Coach. I am my own case study with detoxing, and I was so thrilled about my health improvements, I decided I had to make it my mission 

to share my results and what I did to get them with as many others as possible.

#simplylivingwellness #WhatDoesACleanseDoToTheBody

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