Does mold make you sick?

Does mold make you sick?

Does mold make you sick?

Are you suffering from unexplained health issues, such as anxiety, joint pain, thyroid issues, high cortisol, insomnia, brain fog, hair loss, chronic fatigue, low energy, weight gain or trouble losing weight?

If so, then Mold is likely contributing to your chronic health issues. Mold is everywhere in the US with the exception of 1 or 2 desert states. Here is the Neurotoxicity Assessment quiz that I used to determine the root cause of so many health issues that I was suffering from:

Mold is highly toxic causing all kinds of chronic health issues that are undiagnosed. Here are 3 essential facts about mold you must know. 

#1 It’s the byproducts of mold mycotoxins that are so toxic. 

They accumulate in the fat and our brain is mostly fat tissue, so they collect in the brain. 

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by certain types of fungi. These fungi can grow on various crops and food products, especially under warm and humid conditions. Mycotoxins can pose serious health risks to humans and animals when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin.

Types of Mycotoxins: There are several types of mycotoxins, with some of the most well-known being aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, fumonisins, trichothecenes (such as deoxynivalenol), zearalenone, and patulin.

Sources: Mycotoxins commonly contaminate crops such as cereals (corn, wheat, barley), nuts (peanuts, pistachios), coffee beans, dried fruits, and spices. They can also be found in animal products if the animals consumed contaminated feed.

Health Effects: Mycotoxins can cause a range of health issues depending on the type and level of exposure. Acute exposure can lead to symptoms like vomiting, abdominal pain, and convulsions. Chronic exposure can cause long-term health problems such as liver damage, immune suppression, cancer, and reproductive issues.

#2 Most black mold you won’t see or smell. 

It hides behind walls, behind wallpaper, in air conditioning ducts in the home and office buildings, behind cabinets, in water filters and in many foods including most coffee beans.And… if you DO see any water damage in your home, then you can rest assured you have mold.

#3 Testing for mold is not so accurate. 

A better test is to look at when symptoms started and what your living environment was like at that time.

So if you have unexplained health issues that no doctor has been able to help you overcome, especially without giving you medications. And you feel like your doctor is dismissing your concerns and not looking at the underlying issues. Or if you have weight gain especially around the belly and you can’t seem to lose weight no matter what you do, then take this short Neurotoxicity Assessment quiz that I used to identify mold as the root cause of so many health issues I was suffering from. 

I am Donna, I’m a Wellness Coach. I am my own case study with detoxing, and I was so thrilled about my health improvements, I decided I had to make it my mission 

to share my results and what I did to get them with as many others as possible.

#simplylivingwellness #DoesMoldMakeYouSick

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