#23 The Allergy Kit FAQ’s
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In this episode of Simply Living Wellness, Donna Abreu interviews guest, Ynge Ljung, who comes back to the show to talk more about allergies and intolerances, and about her creation: The Allergy Kit, which you can use to treat allergies yourself, in the comfort of your own home. It saves you lots of money and time visiting a Nate Practitioner, for example, on a weekly basis.
Almost everyone suffers from some kind of allergy or food intolerance. Most people don’t even know they have allergies. Diseases, such as celiac disease, Alzheimer’s, Hashimoto’s, for example are all thought to be caused from wheat allergies. And symptoms such as fatigue and depression and eczema and bloating and hives and many, many more can all be caused by allergies.
Donna dives deeper into the nuts and bolts of The Allergy Kit. She has been using the kit herself for a couple of years now. She even cleared her cat allergies with The Allergy Kit, which felt like a small miracle. She also uses it on her kids. Since Donna had questions about The Allergy Kit, she wanted to get those answered for others who most likely have similar questions.
Why do we have allergies in the first place?
We’re not supposed to have allergies. Allergies occur when our immune system is not strong enough. So, we have to build up the immune system. We also have to train the brain to understand it’s not supposed to react to the offending food or item. That is exactly what The Allergy Kit does… it resets the body to be “in harmony” with the offending food or item, so that the body does not react to it anymore.
In this episode we talk about the different allergy kits and how to use them.
Interview Transcription
D: So I am thrilled to welcome Ynge Ljung to the show once again. Hello, Ynge!
Y: Hello there Donna.
D: We’re so delighted to have you here. So Ynge, we’ve heard your story before on the previous podcast. And I encourage our listeners if you did not get a chance, to listen to the former interviews with Ynge about allergies.
She also talked a lot about autism. She has a book published about autism in kids, and all the spectrum disorders (the A Spectrum), and how many of those disorders are caused by allergies. So it all ties in together.
So why don’t you start, Ynge, by talking about The Allergy Kit … how does it actually work?
How is it that I cleared cat allergies, specifically, from my body? I went from having major blisters on my eyeballs within an hour of being around cats and severe asthma that I had to use an inhaler, to being completely now unaffected by cats one day to the next. It really does work.
So what is actually happening that something that severe is able to be cleared from my body?
Y: First of all whenever you have an allergy, it’s because your immune system is not strong enough. And we have to build up the immune system.
That is why The Basic Allergy Kit contains the 7 vials that you have to use first. And they consist of different foods, toxins and vaccines. So you can start to build up your immune system by absorbing nutrients in the foods cleared from your once allergic fields..
D: So everybody starts with the Basic Kit, because most people are allergic or have intolerances to the many items in the 7 vials.
Y: Yes. I have only met one person in my over 20 year old practice with allergies that didn’t have any allergies. Only one person.
And I don’t know why….I don’t know if it’s because of the food we eat, because of the toxins that are on the food, the vaccines that lower our immune system…..
I think there are a lot of different aspects that influence us. When I grew up, everything was organic without being organic.
We’re not supposed to have allergies. You’re not supposed to be allergic to a cat. I don’t really know how to explain it. It’s that your brain think it’s supposed to react to cats…if its hair or whatever it is in the cat that you react to. But that’s a wrong response.
Eliminating the allergy is that the body detoxes and the brain understands that it is not an allergy, and it’s not supposed to react to it.
D: So using the vials and the laser on the vials and the different acupuncture points in the body, that’s what’s changing the brain, balancing it?
Y: This process balances the brain and returns the body to status quo – so the body understands it is not supposed to be reacting to different things.
I think also the more we do the treatments – remembering the basic kit is just the basic kit – it’s the starter kit. But by keeping on treating for what you react to, you’re able to more and more absorb nutrients in foods and stay healthy.
D: We start with the base kit. I know you’re adding molds, and another one you thought should belong in the base kit because it’s so common –
Y: No, the basic kit still has 7 vials. And I have an Environmental Allergy Kit that has the mold bacteria and virus in vial. That’s one you can also use if you’re getting sick.
D: Wow, that’s handy to know. We’re in the flu season now, so listeners, when you’re feeling like you’re coming down with a cold, you can just do the mold vial as prevention. That’s good to know.
Y: And then we have pollen/weed/grass in another vial. So many people are allergic to pollen and other growing things.
The next is dust and dust mites.
I had a reaction myself and I didn’t know that dust mites are such a common allergen, and many, especially kids who are treated for asthma, bronchitis and all the respiratory problems….and it’s really just basically an allergy to dust mites.
I was surprised.
I treated myself and I got over it.
D: So how do you know these kids have that allergy, or is it just a matter of when you treat them with this common dust mites, then their symptoms go away?
Y: Well, if they have environmental allergies, these are the allergies they have.
Also the last of the environmental kit is trees and wood. That is also pollen…more tree pollen.
And what I realized is that people are allergic to environmental allergies. These are the basic four that they are allergic to.
And I realized that also when they’re allergic to environmental stuff, you’re also allergic to cats and dogs.
Many people don’t think about it because they don’t have an animal. So it’s also possible they don’t even know when they are around a cat or a dog, which are everywhere….so maybe they have an allergic reaction and they don’t put it together that maybe it’s a cat or a dog.
D: So you suggest starting with the Base Kit, then doing the Environmental Kit.
Y: Or if you know you have environmental allergies, just get the Environmental Kit.
Now I’m also putting together a Food Allergy Kit. So if you know you’re more allergic to foods, you buy the Food Allergy Kit that has fish, protein (pork and beef and lamb), soy, and more so people can get a more complete kit.
The problem I had was that people would buy just The Allergy Kit, which is the foundational kit, and then they think that will treat them for all the allergies, but the base kit is just the start.
That’s why I have started to separate food allergies, environmental allergies. And if you have both, you can order extra vials.
But people should start with one of these three kits. And it’s more economical to buy a kit than to buy the vials separately.
And this way, they don’t have to put out a lot of money in the beginning.
They start with the kit and work on that.
D: I know it’s important to wait 48 hours in between treatments when you’re doing these kits.
Y: Some people have reactions: headache or feeling tired or something. Then I just suggest they wait another day. It’s not a race. And some people don’t feel anything, but the body is still reacting and the body needs to recuperate between the treatments. That’s why I want to have 2 days between.
D: That’s important. I did one of the treatments (I’m repeating the Base Kit and was on vial 2 or 3), but the next morning I work with swollen lymph nodes and fatigue, and I think I was a little bit under the weather when I did the treatments, so that’s another important thing.
Make sure you’re feeling healthy, not menstruating for women.
Y: Yes, the first 3-4 days of menstruation is a time that it’s better not to treat because you could have a reaction with the body is working hard menstruating.
D: And the same if you feel like you’re getting sick, which was the case for me. So I just held off and, now of course I’ve got to get back into it! It’s easy to forget!!
And then you use the stress vial with those vials as you do the treatment. So talk about that a minute, why the stress vial.
Y: When we have anything, a cold, disease or allergies, every single cell in the body is under stress. This is after experimenting and working with it in my clinic for many years with allergies.
I had one patient who always was so nervous and upset, and fidgety. So I created a stress vial and started to treat her with that together with the treatments and I had better results. So I started to use the stress vial with other patients too.
So I realized the result is better when you do the treatments with the Stress Vial.
D: And you send a stress vial with every kit?
Y: Every kit has a stress vial. And you can also treat stress with the stress vial anytime, even between treatments. It doesn’t have to be 48 hours between.
D: In fact, that’s the case with all the emotional vials, right?
Y: Yes, emotions can also be treated anytime…..even together with the kits.
D: It’s fascinating: There’s a vial for each kind of emotion: love, anxiety, stress, etc. So I’ve been using those quite a bit on myself and my daughter.
Y: Some ask why “love” is in the kit. Well, we don’t love ourselves enough. Some people have difficulty loving themselves. And this is one way to help with that.
D: Or thinking we’re not good enough.
Y: Exactly. All of that.
And for autistic children or any child on the Spectrum, I suggest to their mothers that when they send them off to school in the morning to treat them with anxiety or fear, and then when they come back, to treat them for anger.
D: Are there any other types of vials that can be done at any time without a strict regimen?
Y: After first 7 vials, you can practically treat the other vials in any order you want, including the environment. So, if you want to treat the trees before the mold, that’s fine.
And also if you want to repeat anything, you don’t have to repeat one through seven, for example if you still feel you’re allergic to sugar, you can that vial again.
And, by the way, I think everyone should threat themselves for sugar regularly.
D: Regularly because it’s in almost everything.
Y: Once you have treated and it has so to speak “stuck” with the sugar, you won’t have any sugar cravings anymore.
When that happens, you know that, okay, now that is good.
D: So we’re talking about cravings, can you talk a little about the weight vial and how that works?
Y: The Weight Management Vial is in the food allergy kit because everybody who has problems with weight has a blood-sugar imbalance. The Weight Management Vial balances the blood sugar, plus a lot of other hormones that have to do with feeling hungry or feeling full.
Some people can’t stop eating because they don’t feel full.
I have patients who say “the switch turned on, and now I know when I’m hungry, so I can stop eating.”
D: Wow, after how many treatments of the Weight Management Vial?
Y: I suggest that you use the weight vial with every vial to reinforce it all the time. (See comment below for clarification)
D: Can you use it with the base kit the first time around?
Y: Yes
D: So I would use the stress, the weight loss and whichever vial in the base kit I’m on.
Y: Yes
D: Ok, good to know.
Y: So that will help with the blood sugar, because that is what has to do with Hashimoto’s symptoms and diabetes…..every imbalance in the body…..comes from blood sugar imbalance.
D: How about adrenal fatigue and raised cortisol levels?
Y: I have a thyroid/adrenal vial too, but that also has to do with blood-sugar. So it’s really a biggie.
Setting an Intention
D: I want to explain to everyone how there are some rituals with the treatment and an intention before starting, and then statements that you intend for these allergies to be cleared throughout the body, all meridians systems, and then at the end, you make a command that this information be locked into the body’s energy field, and you do the Four Gates Treatment (we can talk about that later), and then you throw away the Q-tip which you put in your belly button, and you rub your hands vigorously, then you remove the vials.
Y: You remove the vials first.
D: That’s the point I’m going to ask you. I’m always mixing these things up and my daughter reminds me that I didn’t do it in the right order.
So I’m wondering, does it really make a difference if you swap the orders, or must one stick to that?
Y: It’s good to stick to the order.
First of all, I think the intention is very good, because that’s what you intend to do: you intend to get these allergies cured.
Intention Is Everything
Order of the steps: Neurologically, you do the treatment, you do the Four Gates, you let the vials sit for a few moments (maybe 5 minutes), then you put them away, and THEN you rub your hands vigorously or you wash them.
Once you have treated yourself and then put the vials away, then you wash your hands to get rid of the energy from the vials.
It’s ok to remove the vials yourself. You don’t need someone else to do that.
D: So you don’t want to eat the food, if it’s a food, after doing the treatment.
Y: No, that’s why I also recommend that you do the treatments in the evening after dinner.
D: I was treating my daughter using the vial with chicken included, and she said that she had just eaten chicken and that it was still in her stomach!!!!
Y: That doesn’t matter! Whatever you eat beforehand doesn’t matter. It’s what you eat after the treatment.
D: So even if it’s still digesting in your stomach during the treatment, you’re ok?
Y: Yes, you’re good to go.
Pregnancy: I get many questions about that because is it ok to do the treatments during pregnancy?
Yes. The only thing is with the laser, just to avoid any kind of problems, DON’T SHINE THE LASER ON THE BELLY BUTTON, but do the treatments on the head.
You put the vials on the belly button, but you don’t shine through them. It will work anyway.
Close eyes and shine laser on the THIRD EYE and go over the head, and if you can, the upper spine, or as far on the upper spine as you can, and you do that 7 times.
(look for new post on her site…….it’s for non-pregnant too
It’s more effective and faster. About 4 or 5 minutes
For the pregnant mom who does the treatments, the baby is born without allergies. That’s the best!
D: And it’s not good to have your cell phone in your hands….
Y: Put cell phone away. It will interfere with the treatment, because your body is weaker if you have a cell phone that’s on.
I think everyone should turn the WiFi off during the night when we are still and the body is recuperating.
D: Talk about when someone has a severe allergy, like anaphylactic.
Y: Then they have to be very, very careful and they cannot treat themselves. They have to have a surrogate.
The easiest way to do it is: if your daughter can have an anaphylactic attack, you do the treatment: you put the vials on YOUR belly button. If you want to, you could put HER Q-tip with saliva on your belly, and she holds onto YOU.
And then the intention is for your daughter, and you intend that you are her.
Afterward, you can do the Four Gates on her (you do them on yourself and you can do them on her too).
The Four Gates Treatment:
It’s called The Four Gates because the points are called Liver 3 and Large Intestine 4. It’s said stimulating them enhances circulation of Qi and blood throughout the body, having a calm and analgesic effect.
- LIVER 3. On the hand, the points to laser are on the web between the index finger and the thumb. If you press there, you will feel it. It’s a very sore spot.
It’s an important point for your colon. It is also a master point of the head. So if you have headaches, that’s a point you can massage.
- And the other point is between your big toe and second toe on the web.
For example, you start on your left hand, shine the laser 7-10 seconds on that point; Go to the left toe, then to the right toe, and then to the right hand and then go back to the left hand, repeating until you feel better.
D: So if you have a headache and don’t have your laser gun, you could just squeeze the point on your left hand?
Y: Either hand, depending where your headache is. Sometimes it’s on the left side so use that hand….but you could try both.
You can squeeze or use the laser.
Testing for Allergies
D: Let’s end with how to test for allergies. I know you teach muscle testing on your website. Is that the best method?
Y: There are several methods:
- the O-ring where you take your middle finger and you thumb and close them making a ring; then cluster the remaining fingers around these two. Using the index finger of the opposite hand, insert into O-ring and pull it to try to open the ring.
Ask for a “yes” and the ring will stay closed. Ask for a “no” and it will open.
You have to practice.
- Stand on floor, relax and half-close eyes. Put hands on chest, relax and ask for a “yes” and wait – your body will fall forward.
Then ask for a “no” and the body will go backward.
And then when you shop and there is a good you’re not sure about, you can hold it or the package and ask: “Is this food good for me?” If it is good, your body will fall forward. If it is not, the body will fall back – it wants to get away from it.
- So those are two methods you can do on yourself. And then the typical one where you hold your arm out and someone tries to push it down, that’s when you need someone else involved.
Y: You can even do it yourself. All these things take practice. YOU CAN LEARN IT. And if you’re interested, you just keep on practicing.
D: I encourage everyone to get to SimplyLivngWellness.com and just below this podcast recording, you’ll find links to all the resources that we discussed today.
You can also explore more about The Allergy Kit by clicking over to Ynge’s web site. All these instructional videos are on there. On her site, sign up with your name and email.
And YES, if you have questions, please write them here below the podcast and we will be happy to answer them.
Ynge, thank you so much for participating and taking time out of your busy schedule. I always enjoy talking with you about The Allergy Kit. It has saved me with my cat allergies. And I just need to be disciplined to make use of it more to get more benefits out of it.
Y: You also had a poison ivy issue too!
Y: A good thing to do when you start a kit is to start a food diary. That way you will know when it is something that goes off. And by the way, even if it’s something environmental, you say, what did I do, was it something I smelled ….you can always go back and check if you write it constantly, it’s easy to go back and see what happened that day.
D: I see a local chiropractor who is a kinesiology chiropractor. She only deals with allergies. She has clearly seen that soy, cow, dairy are all offensive to my body. I really want to treat for those and then go back to her if it’s cleared.
Y: One thing I don’t recommend even if you don’t get treated for wheat, which is in the last vial in the kit, I don’t recommend anyone eat wheat because of the toxins…..the glyphosates. I don’t think anyone is allergic to glutton, but to the pesticides.
D: How about organic wheat.
Y: Yes you can have that but it’s very hard to digest. It’s hard on the digestive system.
D: The book Grain Brain? You’re a proponent of these ideas?
Y: Yes, absolutely? I read many years ago that people who are schizophrenic, if they are taken off of wheat, they don’t hear the voices anymore.
That’s the same with autism, and Alzheimer’s. If they could just stay away from wheat. Unfortunately, they crave it.
D: That’s why I do this podcast, why I have my blog, it’s just so fascinating to me to hear stories like that. I just wish more people knew about it. I wish more people were willing to try it and to have an open mind.
With an autistic kid, to actually put them on that strict diet, take wheat away from them and see what happens. I know you’ve seen over and over that success comes from a change in diet.
Y: With The Allergy Kit, all the kids on the A-Spectrum have such success!
I don’t say that everybody does, but if they follow guidelines, they can have very good results.
D: Thank you for coming Ynge, thank you listeners for tuning in, and we will be in touch and see you on our next podcast!
More about Ynge Ljung
Ynge Ljung has been an Acupuncture Physician since 1995. She is a BodyTalk Practitioner, Naturopathic Medicine Doctor, an Acutonic practitioner, alternative holistic healer and former NAET practitioner. Her extensive education in both Eastern and Western ideologies allowed her to create an easy, powerful and affordable way to “say bye bye to your allergies” once and for all… Ynge calls the The Allergy Kit. We’ll hear about that today. Ynge is the author of Finding Your Lost Child which you can find on Amazon. In the last episode with Ynge, we talked about autism and the spectrum disorders.
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